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The cost of shipping and delivery to all cities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia varies according to the weight of the item.

Delivery time

– Shipping period from 4 to 10 working days, which is an estimated time from shipping companies. Delivery times may vary, so we will inform you in the event of a delay.
Important note: Your order will be processed and delivered to the shipping company within 48 hours after completing the order. However, the expected delivery date may be affected due to the great pressure on shipping companies, which results in delays in the delivery of some shipments. While we are making every effort to coordinate with shipping companies to ensure the delivery of your order. As soon as possible, but we cannot control the delivery date and disclaim any responsibility for any delay that may occur by shipping companies. Shipping service is available to all cities within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through our shipping partners. – For Orders to sub-cities, the customer is required to receive shipment from the Carrier companies’ warehouse in the customer’s city

– The shipping price is mentioned on the invoices issued by us only and does not take into account shipping company invoices as there are internal transportation and loading fees.

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